Friday 23 May 2008

Waiting ...

Are you good at waiting?

Sometimes I am.
And sometimes I'm not!

Yesterday I was waiting for news of a friend.
She is in hospital with a brain tumour.
Today I heard that they removed the tumour on Tuesday.
But we are still waiting to hear what kind of tumour it was.
And my friend is still in intensive care.
There's a lot of waiting going on.

Other waiting is much easier.
Waiting for a bus or train is no problem.
That's provided we have plenty of time.
And it's not too long to wait if we've missed it.

But if the time is tight, and we have no control, that's different.
There's nothing we can do, but we stress up all the same.

I'm waiting to hear my final Degree from the University.
The External Examiner comes in on May 28th.
She or he will go over all the results for the department.
Then they'll publish a list.

There's nothing I can do now to influence the decisions.
Am I merely interested in the outcome, or over-anxious?
It's a fine balance!

I don't need any particular classification of Degree for my training.
I know that I've already met the minimum requirements.
So to borrow a phrase, "Am I bovvered?"
Well 'Yes', I am!

It's probably a pride, or self-esteem thing.
I should just forget about it.
They'll tell me their decision in due course.
But it's easier to say than to do!

I have another friend.
A decision went against him a few weeks ago.
So he has appealed against it.
Now he is waiting too.

All we can do is put our trust in the One whom we serve.
He knows our circumstances.
He knows what is best for us.
He loves us and provides for us.

In our waiting - do we trust?
If we trust - will we submit to Him?
If you doubt His care for you then talk to Him.
If you don't know Him, then start talking to Him.

He is faithful.
He is trustworthy.
He will bring us through this time of waiting.

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