Tuesday 15 April 2008

Made from Nothing?

Last week someone asked me if humans were created out of nothing.

It set me thinking - which was probably why they asked me!

In some senses the answer is obvious - No!
Humans are 'created' from an egg and a sperm.
So humans are created from something - well, two things - not nothing.

But asking if humans were created suggests the question is not about where babies come from. It's about where humans came from.

Or to put it another way - how did we get here?
And with the question containing the word 'created' then it includes within it the question "Whether there was a creator?"

That's a much bigger question than the one about where babies come from.
It has resulted in division between philosophers, scientists, and religious people.

My answer to this question also is 'No'.
Humans were not created out of nothing.
The Bible teaches that God made man from the material of the Earth.
And science tells us that humans are made out of the same type of matter as the rest of the planet.

I believe that what God created out of nothing was the Universe itself.

For a long time philosophers and scientists thought that the Universe had always existed in its present form. But in 1948 (I think!) cosmologists began to develop the concept of the Big Bang.

At the instant of the Big Bang the Universe was a Singularity.
Scientists have not yet managed to describe that Singularity, and probably never will.

But one thing they will agree on.
It was infinitesimally small - smaller than a pinhead.
So small it could not have been measured.
So small it was virtually nothing.

So perhaps Science too would agree that the Universe appeared out of nothing.

The Bible itself is rather vague about the timings of these events.
It does not give any indication about how God created humans, or even how long the process took - unless we go down the 'Six Days plus a Rest' route.

So I guess if you want to go right back to the beginning;
Humans were made from matter, and matter was created out of nothing.
So maybe we can answer the original question with a 'Yes' after all.

Well that's what I think, and have done for some time now.
But I'm open to other opinions.
How would you answer that question?
Were humans created out of nothing?

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