Monday 14 April 2008

Hearing Voices?

This evening I met up with some of my friends and we were talking about hearing voices. How can you tell whether to listen or not?

Are all voices in our heads just due to imagination or illness?

Might the old, and not so old, stories about good spirits and bad spirits be true? Could voices in our heads really be some intangible being speaking to us?

Those were some of the questions we were grappling with during the evening.

It was an interesting conversation. Each of us had had some experience of feeling led, or being spoken to, by something or someone that we couldn't see. Sometimes we knew it was good for us, and other times we were not so sure.

Some of us even felt that we had been given messages for someone else - a bit like the prophets back in the Bible days! That was a thought! Who would have thought that here in Edinburgh you might bump into a real old-fashioned prophet?!

And if you did, what might they say to you?
And what might you not want them to say to you?
I think that's rather a scary thought.

Well, I'm off to bed now - and there better not be any bumps in the night!

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