Yesterday evening we enjoyed a very special evening in the life of the Church in Winchburgh. Both the Roman Catholic and Church of Scotland congregations came together for a joint service to mark the beginning of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity in 2009.
The people there from both congregations enjoyed worshipping together in different ways from our usual format. We sang new hymns, prayed in new ways, and listened to people who we hadn't heard speaking before. Even the seats were laid out in a new arrangement.
In Isaiah 43:19, the prophet tells us, "God is about to do a new thing; now it springs forth. Do you not perceive it?" (NIV)
It seems to me that here is Scotland there is new life in the body of Jesus Christ, irrespective of which name we call ourselves. Can you see it too?
We are all trying to follow one Lord and Saviour. He calls us to love our neighbours more than we love ourselves.
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