Last week, when I was staying with friends in Ettrick, we went for a walk in the nearby forest. The rain was bucketing down in the strong breeze and my trousers got soaked. I should have worn my waterproof over-trousers - silly me!
However, one of the benefits of the rain was that the ground was absolutely soaking. This year's baby frogs were crawling about in the watery paradise! They were very hard to see, but often moved as we approached, and the movement gave them away.
I photographed a couple of them, although it was rather tricky to persuade my camera to focus on the desired object. You can perhaps get an idea of the scale from the surrounding grass and little plants, but each frog was just over 1cm long (maybe about a half inch).
It struck me that these little frogs have been through a metamorphosis a bit like a butterfly or moth. Each frog begins life as a little black dot amidst the frog spawn in its little pond, develops gradually into a wriggly tadpole, and then develops its four legs and other adult characteristics that enable it to leave the pond and journey on the land as a smooth and shiny frog.
God calls each of us to be more than the person we have been; to become someone like Jesus, who goes about doing the will of our fatherly Creator, bringing health and wholeness throughout our communities. He journeys with us, giving us all the resources we need to complete our journey.
Who is God calling you to become?
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