After we saw the numbered sheep yesterday we moved on down to the village of Blackness with its picturesque castle perched on the shore of the Firth of Forth. The yachts in the bay are designed to sit upright when the tide goes out, but they looked sad and forlorn sitting on the mud.
Boats are meant to float on the water - out of their depth. That's the way they are designed and made - and that's the way they are used. When they are high and dry they are useless.
In their element these yachts are full of power and life; agile, graceful, and full of purpose.
But when they are left high and dry by the falling tide, they are the opposite. They are powerless, dead, immobile and graceless.
I suppose that all this makes them like people. When we are in our element then we are full of power, life, agility, grace, and purpose. And when we are not in our element then we are powerless, unable to move, clumsy and graceless, dead.
God said that we are made to be in relationship with Him. God himself is the element in which we are designed and made to move, live, and have our being.
Are you in your element?
The proximity of the seafront houses in Blackness to the high water mark on the beach reminded me of the rising sea hazard threatened by Global Warming.
The sea is rising and those who live near it must get ready for a change in their circumstances.
Some say that the Church of God is on the move too. Those who are close to the Kingdom of God should also be ready for change.
The legendary King Canute tried to hold back the tide - and failed!
As you can see below, the tide comes in, but the yachts were ready for it. They returned to their element once again.
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