Monday 2 June 2008


This evening I was walking a labyrinth at The Halls in Leith.

The labyrinth is printed on a 35-foot diameter circle.
So the distance from the edge to the centre is only 17 feet.
But the wending winding route is many hundreds of feet long.

It reminded me of the journey I am travelling.
I can see where I want to go.
But it is a long route to get there.

There are many turns and twists and unexpected surprises.
One moment you are walking beside someone else.
And the next moment they are on the far side going in the opposite direction.

It was great to reach the centre and spend some time in thought and thankfulness.

There were many people there and soon the centre became crowded.
The labyrinth only has one path so the exit route is the reverse of the way in.
Frequently you meet someone coming in the other direction and have to pass each other by briefly stepping off the path before returning to the route.

It was good to share in the discipline of walking the labyrinth.
It would have been easy to walk to the centre and back to the edge.
But following the labyrinth routes gave us time and space to step away from the demands of everyday life. Instead we were able to focus on the centre of life. What life is all about. Where we had come from and where we were going to.

I have enjoyed my journey through life to this here and now.
I have passed through many places and met many people.
And no doubt there will be many twists and turns on my route ahead.
And many people to meet with, enjoy their company, and pass on.

I think that's one of the attractions of the Labyrinth.
It reminds us of our journeys towards the centre of all life.

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