Tuesday 3 June 2008

Beautiful Animals

I was at Edinburgh Zoo today with my Dad's sister and we enjoyed looking at all the beautiful animals. My aunt had not been there for 40 years despite growing up almost next door.

Of course our appreciation of the beauty of animals was tinged with sadness at their captivity. Animals should really be free to roam in their natural environment. But Edinburgh Zoo does a good job, as do many others, in promoting and supporting the conservation of animals in the wild.

As well as the captive breeding of species that are endangered in the wild, Zoos give people an understanding of the beauty and diversity of this planet's wildlife that stimulates support for other wildlife conservation charities too.

Sometimes we are tempted to think that only humans have any value in this world. Although some people seem to turn values upside down when they endanger human life in order to promote the welfare of animals. And I don't understand those anarchists who release captive animals from Zoos and other animal parks resulting in hazard to human life, and animals with no idea how to live on their own starving to death, or causing chaos amongst local animals.

But I suppose we do see in our so-called civilised society that some people have no respect or consideration for other people. Some would argue that humans should naturally care for each other. But evolutionists would argue that humans are the result of millions of years of survival of the fittest and therefore we should compete with each other rather than support those who find just staying alive to be a struggle.

The animal keepers at the Zoo respect and even love the animals in their care. The creator has given us that desire to care for the planet and to care for each other.

Our ethic should be more than merely doing to the other what we would want them to do for us. Loving animals and people requires us to put their benefit before our own wants and desires.

Someone once said, "The greatest love is shown by those who lay down their life for their friends." He also said, "Love your neighbour."

Who is your neighbour?

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