Last night there was a stunning sunset. The sky near the horizon was clear, except for one cloud just above the sun, which was setting below the skyline. That cloud shone a brilliant gold, reflecting off the higher wispy clouds above.
The clear sky, with its shades of pink, yellow, and red, heralded a chilly night, and so it proved. I wouldn't have liked to have been sleeping outdoors. It must have been well down into single figures (Celsius).
This morning the sky was still clear. In fact, I couldn't see any clouds, anywhere in the sky. The sun was blazing down out of the Eastern sky, glistening off the heavy dew, and shining off the wet leaves on the bushes and trees.
The combination of gorgeous sunset, cold dark night, and beautiful morning, reminded me of the Easter story. Although that story stretches over two nights, there are similarities.
Although the Crucifixion was a horrible, horrific, event, we call it Good Friday. In that moment, Evil was defeated, and God triumphed over all of the Devil's machinations. It was an agonising torture for Jesus, but for Christians we rejoice that He accomplished that victory on our behalf, indeed for everyone who chooses to trust in Jesus. It is equivalent to the Gorgeous Sunset.
After the Crucifixion, there was the dark day of Easter Saturday. The disciples were in hopeless despair. The One in whom they had put all their trust, was now gone. What would they do now? Where would they go? What could they believe in now? Two dark nights, and a dark day inbetween.
Then, on Easter Sunday morning, the women went to the tomb and found the stone rolled away. The body of Jesus was gone, and in its place they found grave cloths, and angels who told them that Jesus was Risen. Other disciples went to check it out. Gradually, more and more of them met the Risen Jesus. He really was alive! He spoke with them, ate with them, and was touched by them. It was wonderful, marvellous, glorious, Good News. Equivalent, but better, than today's Beautiful Morning sunshine.
Two images that can remind us of the greatest story of all.
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