The Old Testament prophets Elijah and Elisha challenged the lifestyle and beliefs of the people of Israel. From King Ahab down, the people had turned away from their allegiance to the God who had revealed himself to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Moses. Instead, the people had decided to worship a more convenient god. The only problem with this new god was that it wasn't real - it was just a make-believe symbol fronting for the priests and the royalty.
At various times Elijah and Elisha came in for criticism, condemnation, and on occasion were even under threat of death. But they refused to tone down their message, or compromise on what God had told them to say. In the end the God they worshipped was proven to be the true God who acted amongst and around his followers.
Jesus also caused offence to the religious, royal, and military authorities of his time. He was obedient to God's inner voice whispering to his spirit. No-one could stand against him, until he laid his life down, in obedience to God.
When Jesus was raised from the grave, once more God proved the reality of his existence. The followers of Jesus had been hiding in despair. They began to disperse to their homes - giving up their hope that Jesus would somehow rescue them. When Jesus appeared amongst them after his death their despair was converted into exuberance and jubilation. Jesus was alive - and God was truly God.
Jesus told the story of the Lost Sheep. Ninety nine sheep had been counted into the pen at the end of the day. But one sheep was missing, out in the dark and the cold, at risk from bears and lions, lost and alone.
The shepherd might have decided that 99 were enough and that it was foolish to risk the safety of the 99 sheep, and his own health and safety, by venturing out into the dark with only a flickering lantern to guide his way. But Jesus' shepherd does precisely that, and returns rejoicing that he had found the sheep which was lost.
It was same message that Elijah and Elisha had given to the people of Israel long ago. God calls us to relate to Himself personally. He does not want us to follow some set of rules as if somehow that would engender a loving relationship. He does not want us to relate to Himself via an intermediary like a priest or minister, as if we could relate to God via a proxy. He does not want us to run around after convenient make-believe gods that would allow us to live the way we want to live but can't actually help us when we find that our way doesn't work.
Elijah, Elisha, and Jesus, all called the people to turn around and abandon their false gods and re-discover the one true God, who has proven Himself to be real, down through the generations, and even in this day today.
Go on, stretch out your hand and your heart to the One who calls you to be his child. He loves you. He will never abandon you nor fail you. You can trust Him - forever!
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