Wednesday 3 June 2009

Final Conference - Yay!

Our Final Conference (Yay!) was great! Our presenters would make a point of mentioning that this was our Final Conference (Yay!) - getting a cheer each time. At least there was no danger of anyone falling asleep!

Many of our talks/workshops were looking at the theme of "what next for us"; Vacancy Procedures, Parish Profiles, Letting Go and Starting Up, Manse Life, etc. It was exciting to think that from 1st September I would be able to apply to congregations who were looking for a new minister (assuming I pass my Final Review in August!).

As of now Liz and I haven't made any decisions about where we might go, or not go. It's too early yet. But we have begun to look at the adverts in Life and Work, and elsewhere, with a heightened level of interest!

Our Final Conference (Yay!) was tinged with sadness too. This year's cohort of 25 will not all be together again, although those in post by next year's General Assembly will be called together on 'Ministries Monday'.

Our final dinner together was a splendid occasion. Many of us had dressed up for the occasion, Helen had written a happy and humourous song, and there were some (mercifully!) short speeches acknowledging the milestone we have all reached.

Final Conference (Yay!) is over. Now, what next?!


  1. Well done! and all the best!

  2. Thanks, Nelu. It will be your turn next year!
