It's hard to believe that this coming week I'll be attending the Final Training Conference of my Ministry Training Programme. It will be at Gartmore House, near Aberfoyle, and it's a very beautiful and peaceful setting.
The photo above of Gartmore is from April 2005, for that is where I was accepted as a Trainee. So this Final Conference at Gartmore will be almost a full circle; back to where it all started.
It will be great to see all my trainee colleagues again. Most of us have been together since we began training in Summer 2005, although some started the year before, or the year afterwards. This will be the last time we are all together.
At least one of us has already passed through their Final Review. Others will have their's in the coming months. Mine is not until August, but that is not very far away! And my supervisor and I have our Final Reports to write during the next few weeks.
After Final Review, we all hope to be cleared to apply to congregations that have a vacancy for a Minister. We get to choose where to apply, and they get to choose who to accept! Currently there are more vacancies than applicants, so it's usually easier for Ministers than for Congregations just now.
My regular readers will have noticed a reduced frequency of updates on this Blog in recent weeks. Partly that has been due to the Lenten Blog, but also because the intensity of working has significantly increased.
It is likely that I'll continue not be posting so often, but I'll try and keep you up-to-date with the main milestones as the rest of this year progresses.
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