Well actually it's my first time at College.
I started a course called Introduction to Counselling in Stevenson College at the end of April. Having graduated from Edinburgh University with my second Honours Bachelors degree last June I thought I was finished with Academic Qualifications.
But I was asked to do a course on Listening Skills during this period of my training and this course at Stevenson ticked all the boxes. And it was only £82 too!
So after seven O-Grades, seven Highers, one 6th-Year Studies certificate, two Honours Bachelor degrees, a Masters module, now I'm hoping to gain my first SQA Award this summer, an Intermediate 2, just like my youngest son and his classmates!
On August 5th, Andrew and I will be competing to be first to get the post and discover our exam results. The difference is that he needs his results, whereas I don't need to pass, just to attend the course. I'll let you know how I get on.
One of my training peers thought that I had gone crazy, going back to college again. But she was wrong - there is a good reason. I've not lost the plot after all!
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