Wednesday 2 December 2009

Life Goes On

I was back in Winchburgh again today. I haven't been able to stay away for very long, since I finished working there only two days ago, on Monday!

Today was a sad occasion, when we said farewell to someone at the end of her long life. She had lived all her life in Winchburgh and was well-known, and well-loved.

Many folk shed tears at the service. I did too, although I had only known the lady for the past year. Even although she was in hospital for the last 18 months of her life, she was still surrounded by her friends and family who visited her frequently.

Now she has moved on. We trust that she will be in that better place with God, her heavenly Father. We cannot tell - but God is generous and gracious - we can trust Him, and we ourselves are unqualified to judge.

We all have to move on. There is no holding back the clock. I can hear three of them ticking off the seconds as I type away here at my computer.

I visited another friend's cattle today. You can read and see more at my Advent Blog, but today was the last day that most his cattle would be with him. Tomorrow they will go to the Shows, and from there either for breeding, or to the butcher.

Life goes on. Babies are born, grow up, become two, produce more babies, grow old, and move on.

God breathed his life into us. Will we let it blossom eternally, or let it wither and die? God gives us that choice (Deuteronomy 30:19-20).

Choose life.

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