During that period of silence, I finished my period as Locum Minister at Armadale Parish Church. The people of the congregation there have been very friendly and supportive towards me during my time with them. I am very appreciative of all the expressions of support and blessings that have been made to me, especially during these last few weeks.
The photo above shows the chancel area of Armadale Church. It is beautifully laid-out, and the splendid stained glass window makes a lovely backdrop. I have felt very much at home there during these past five months.
Now that I have completed my service at Armadale I have been able to turn my attention more fully towards starting as the Parish Minister at Melness and Tongue in Sutherland. I will begin there on August 20th at a service of Ordination and Induction by the Presbytery of Sutherland. The service will take place at St. Andrew's church in Tongue at 7pm.
At the beginning of June my family and I spent the weekend at the delightful Craggan Hotel in Melness. They looked after us very well, and the meals we had there were delicious! It was great to be back in the place where soon my wife and I will be living. The photo above is a view from Melness and the photo below is a view looking down on Tongue from Castle Varrich.
There are many tasks to be done before we move North at the beginning of August, but I am looking forward with great anticipation to starting this new phase of my life in the Far North.
God takes us on surprising journeys that are often far beyond our wildest dreams. There can be moments of terror and distress, but God is always with you, every step of the way, bringing comfort, peace, strength and joy.
May you know the joy of following the Lord Jesus in these days.
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