Friday 25 June 2010

Daily Bread

I think blogging is a bit like reading the Bible.

On the face of it, this seems a rather strange statement, perhaps even heretical.

When I am reading the Bible then I am thinking about what someone else has written. When I am blogging then I am writing what I am thinking about. See - they are similar!

The big difference is in who is doing the writing. The Bible was written between 2000 to 3000 years ago, and I believe that those who wrote it were inspired by God as they were writing.

Now here is a tricky point. As a Christian I believe that God's Holy Spirit inspires me too, along with all other Christians. When I am writing, I also can be inspired by the Holy Spirit. But that doesn't make my Blog the new Bible!

Even today people can still find God as they read those ancient writings in the Bible. But the huge volume of Christian teaching and study books written and printed every year shows that people want to share what new things they have learned about God, and that people want to know God better.

God hasn't changed. But what has changed is how much we know about God, and how well we know Him. Each person travels their own journey with God, and together we can add to each other's journeys.

Blogging works best when it is regular and frequent, and perhaps daily is the best frequency. Bible Reading too works best when done regularly and frequently, and perhaps daily is the best frequency. There's another way that Blogging and Bible Reading are similar!

Give us this day our Daily Bread!

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