Yesterday I went on an expedition through to Glasgow on the train. We planned an early start - to leave Waverly Station as soon as the Cheap Day Returns become valid - at 9:15am. Well - I know that the working folk would be leaving much earlier than that - but none of us are working at present!
In fact we didn't get away until the 11:30am train because one of our party set their alarm clock wrong. Fortunately the central appointment wasn't until 2 o'clock in the afternoon. However, the people we were going to see in the morning were disappointed.
We got to the afternoon appointment in good time, and afterwards we arranged to see the people we had missed in the morning. It turned out we were with them almost 4 hours, which was far longer than we would have managed if we had made the original schedule. So the disappointing start turned into a bonus.
As Robert Burns famously wrote, "the best laid plans o' mice and men gang aft aglay." That quote is in his Address to a Mouse, which he wrote after destroying a wee mousie's nest while he was ploughing a field. We make plans, but often things don't turn out the way we had planned.
At one stage in my training I thought I would end up being the minister of a suburban parish, located near the edge of some city like Edinburgh or Glasgow. I was looking to stay close to homne, or perhaps head West through to Glasgow.
Instead, my focus was drawn towards rural ministry, helping folk in the country to know our Creator God. So instead of heading West, soon I will be heading North.
I have been travelling on a journey with many twists and turns. It is hard to see the way ahead and to know what lies around the corners. But in following Jesus, I know that He is preparing the way ahead for me. It will not be too difficult or hard. Instead the ground has been prepared and in due course the harvest will be gathered in.
We may till the ground, plant seed, water gently, or clear away the weeds, but it is the Father who is the Gardener, who breathes his life into the crops, resulting in healthy plants bearing much fruit.
Allow God to direct your paths and to make you fruitful.
Wednesday, 30 June 2010
Monday, 28 June 2010
Just a short post because the day has expired.
I enjoyed visiting the Primary School where I have been chaplain for the past few months. It is a great school and the children and staff work very well together.
Today was their annual prize-giving ceremony and I was helping to give out the prizes, along with a few other invited guests.
It was nice to see the children enjoying their successes.
Later on I enjoyed some conversations with some of my trainee-friends, and in the evening we began to create our own portable email address - exciting!
So now the day is ending and I am looking forward to a visit to Glasgow tomorrow.
Sleep well everyone!
I enjoyed visiting the Primary School where I have been chaplain for the past few months. It is a great school and the children and staff work very well together.
Today was their annual prize-giving ceremony and I was helping to give out the prizes, along with a few other invited guests.
It was nice to see the children enjoying their successes.
Later on I enjoyed some conversations with some of my trainee-friends, and in the evening we began to create our own portable email address - exciting!
So now the day is ending and I am looking forward to a visit to Glasgow tomorrow.
Sleep well everyone!
Sunday, 27 June 2010
Sometimes we get far too stressed out about achieving a desired result. Jesus modelled a far more laid-back style of living. Yet that didn't mean that he abandoned his mission or objectives.
In ten minutes time England will take on Germany in the football World Cup. I don't know what the result will be. And I'm not cheating by writing this after the event, and posting it with a pre-event date and time!
God calls us to follow Jesus - whatever. Indeed, not only whatever, but whenever, and wherever too.
We might be focussed on achieving a particular result at a particular event, but whatever the outcome, we are called to move on and keep following.
Some supporters will only support their team if they have a chance of winning. Some people will only take part in a competition if they think they can win.
You cannot choose to win. You can only win if you perform the best.
The apostle Paul ran to win. But he knew he would persevere to the end of the race, even although only one person could win. It is an honour and a privilege to race, especially when Jesus is leading.
In ten minutes time England will take on Germany in the football World Cup. I don't know what the result will be. And I'm not cheating by writing this after the event, and posting it with a pre-event date and time!
God calls us to follow Jesus - whatever. Indeed, not only whatever, but whenever, and wherever too.
We might be focussed on achieving a particular result at a particular event, but whatever the outcome, we are called to move on and keep following.
Some supporters will only support their team if they have a chance of winning. Some people will only take part in a competition if they think they can win.
You cannot choose to win. You can only win if you perform the best.
The apostle Paul ran to win. But he knew he would persevere to the end of the race, even although only one person could win. It is an honour and a privilege to race, especially when Jesus is leading.
Saturday, 26 June 2010
Goodbyes are sometimes so hard. But yesterday we had a great evening celebrating various family accomplishments that have taken place over the past five years.
Around 50 relatives and friends helped us to celebrate the various occasions and it was a great way to say farewell and goodbye. Food, dancing, and lots of conversation!
On the entertainment front, we will be saying 'goodbye' to Doctor Who in a few minutes. Will it be The End for ever? Or will he 'miraculously' get out of the trap and defeat all his enemies. Only time will tell!
Jesus promises that those who welcome Him into their lives will never have to say 'Goodbye' to Him. He will be with you always. That's forever!
And Jesus has already defeated all of his enemies - it just that they don't all acknowledge that yet!
Around 50 relatives and friends helped us to celebrate the various occasions and it was a great way to say farewell and goodbye. Food, dancing, and lots of conversation!
On the entertainment front, we will be saying 'goodbye' to Doctor Who in a few minutes. Will it be The End for ever? Or will he 'miraculously' get out of the trap and defeat all his enemies. Only time will tell!
Jesus promises that those who welcome Him into their lives will never have to say 'Goodbye' to Him. He will be with you always. That's forever!
And Jesus has already defeated all of his enemies - it just that they don't all acknowledge that yet!
Friday, 25 June 2010
Daily Bread
I think blogging is a bit like reading the Bible.
On the face of it, this seems a rather strange statement, perhaps even heretical.
When I am reading the Bible then I am thinking about what someone else has written. When I am blogging then I am writing what I am thinking about. See - they are similar!
The big difference is in who is doing the writing. The Bible was written between 2000 to 3000 years ago, and I believe that those who wrote it were inspired by God as they were writing.
Now here is a tricky point. As a Christian I believe that God's Holy Spirit inspires me too, along with all other Christians. When I am writing, I also can be inspired by the Holy Spirit. But that doesn't make my Blog the new Bible!
Even today people can still find God as they read those ancient writings in the Bible. But the huge volume of Christian teaching and study books written and printed every year shows that people want to share what new things they have learned about God, and that people want to know God better.
God hasn't changed. But what has changed is how much we know about God, and how well we know Him. Each person travels their own journey with God, and together we can add to each other's journeys.
Blogging works best when it is regular and frequent, and perhaps daily is the best frequency. Bible Reading too works best when done regularly and frequently, and perhaps daily is the best frequency. There's another way that Blogging and Bible Reading are similar!
Give us this day our Daily Bread!
On the face of it, this seems a rather strange statement, perhaps even heretical.
When I am reading the Bible then I am thinking about what someone else has written. When I am blogging then I am writing what I am thinking about. See - they are similar!
The big difference is in who is doing the writing. The Bible was written between 2000 to 3000 years ago, and I believe that those who wrote it were inspired by God as they were writing.
Now here is a tricky point. As a Christian I believe that God's Holy Spirit inspires me too, along with all other Christians. When I am writing, I also can be inspired by the Holy Spirit. But that doesn't make my Blog the new Bible!
Even today people can still find God as they read those ancient writings in the Bible. But the huge volume of Christian teaching and study books written and printed every year shows that people want to share what new things they have learned about God, and that people want to know God better.
God hasn't changed. But what has changed is how much we know about God, and how well we know Him. Each person travels their own journey with God, and together we can add to each other's journeys.
Blogging works best when it is regular and frequent, and perhaps daily is the best frequency. Bible Reading too works best when done regularly and frequently, and perhaps daily is the best frequency. There's another way that Blogging and Bible Reading are similar!
Give us this day our Daily Bread!
Thursday, 24 June 2010
Starting in Eight Weeks
It has been a long time since I last blogged - about 4 weeks. I am sorry that my faithful readers have had to find other forms of entertainment during that time.

During that period of silence, I finished my period as Locum Minister at Armadale Parish Church. The people of the congregation there have been very friendly and supportive towards me during my time with them. I am very appreciative of all the expressions of support and blessings that have been made to me, especially during these last few weeks.

The photo above shows the chancel area of Armadale Church. It is beautifully laid-out, and the splendid stained glass window makes a lovely backdrop. I have felt very much at home there during these past five months.
Now that I have completed my service at Armadale I have been able to turn my attention more fully towards starting as the Parish Minister at Melness and Tongue in Sutherland. I will begin there on August 20th at a service of Ordination and Induction by the Presbytery of Sutherland. The service will take place at St. Andrew's church in Tongue at 7pm.

At the beginning of June my family and I spent the weekend at the delightful Craggan Hotel in Melness. They looked after us very well, and the meals we had there were delicious! It was great to be back in the place where soon my wife and I will be living. The photo above is a view from Melness and the photo below is a view looking down on Tongue from Castle Varrich.

There are many tasks to be done before we move North at the beginning of August, but I am looking forward with great anticipation to starting this new phase of my life in the Far North.
God takes us on surprising journeys that are often far beyond our wildest dreams. There can be moments of terror and distress, but God is always with you, every step of the way, bringing comfort, peace, strength and joy.
May you know the joy of following the Lord Jesus in these days.
During that period of silence, I finished my period as Locum Minister at Armadale Parish Church. The people of the congregation there have been very friendly and supportive towards me during my time with them. I am very appreciative of all the expressions of support and blessings that have been made to me, especially during these last few weeks.
The photo above shows the chancel area of Armadale Church. It is beautifully laid-out, and the splendid stained glass window makes a lovely backdrop. I have felt very much at home there during these past five months.
Now that I have completed my service at Armadale I have been able to turn my attention more fully towards starting as the Parish Minister at Melness and Tongue in Sutherland. I will begin there on August 20th at a service of Ordination and Induction by the Presbytery of Sutherland. The service will take place at St. Andrew's church in Tongue at 7pm.
At the beginning of June my family and I spent the weekend at the delightful Craggan Hotel in Melness. They looked after us very well, and the meals we had there were delicious! It was great to be back in the place where soon my wife and I will be living. The photo above is a view from Melness and the photo below is a view looking down on Tongue from Castle Varrich.
There are many tasks to be done before we move North at the beginning of August, but I am looking forward with great anticipation to starting this new phase of my life in the Far North.
God takes us on surprising journeys that are often far beyond our wildest dreams. There can be moments of terror and distress, but God is always with you, every step of the way, bringing comfort, peace, strength and joy.
May you know the joy of following the Lord Jesus in these days.
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