Tuesday 12 January 2010


Last Sunday we continued reading Paul's letter to the Corinthians, at the second chapter. Paul reminded the Corinthians that he had not used clever debate or sophisticated argument to convince people of the Good News about Jesus.

No, Paul gave convincing proof of the power of God's Spirit.

Before Jesus was crucified, he told his followers that the Holy Spirit would come upon them too. He said,
“When the Spirit comes, who reveals the truth about God, he will lead you into all truth.” (John 16:13)

Genesis reminds us that “God is Spirit, and God is Truth.” These are two of his characteristics, although He is more than just these.

Indeed, “God is”, is an even more fundamental characteristic of God. That is his Name. He told Moses, “I am is who I am.”

Genesis also tells us that God put something of himself into every human person. Genesis describes that something as “God’s image”.

Just like a TV image is not the full reality, so that ‘image’ of God within each human is only a glimpse of God. But that ‘glimpse’ is what leads so many humans to look for God.

Jesus encouraged his disciples not to depend on their own understanding, or on their own strength. God’s wisdom, strength, and power, are far greater than any human power.

Jesus was a man. Although he was also God, he had set aside all his Godly abilities. He was a man. A real man. Not a super-man.

He couldn’t do God’s work unless He had the Holy Spirit in him. That’s why his ministry started when he was Baptised by John the Baptist, and the Holy Spirit came upon Him.

Jesus told his disciples a surprising thing, a bit earlier in these Farewell Discourses in John’s Gospel. At John 14:12, he says, “I am telling you the truth: whoever believes in me will do what I do - Yes, he will do even greater things, because I am going to the Father.”

It is an astonishing statement. That you, someone who believes in Jesus, will do what he did, and maybe even greater things than that.

When you look outside, you can’t tell how cold it is, unless you can see the signs.

When you look about you, you can’t see God, unless you can see the signs. The Holy Spirit shows us the activity of God. He ‘reveals the truth about God, and will lead you into all truth.’ (John 16:13)

Paul taught the Corinthian Christians to be open to the Holy Spirit, to allow Him to fill them full to overflowing, to be submerged in the Spirit, like being baptised in a running river of water.

The Spirit helps us to know God, to follow Jesus, and to help others to find God. It’s beyond and above our understanding.


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