Friday 17 April 2009

Hearing Second-hand

When we hear news second-hand it's always more difficult to gauge the accuracy and reliability of the information. It didn't happen to the person who is telling us. Maybe it happened that way, or maybe it didn't.

The Gospel stories are like that too. Nobody can tell us what happened 2000 years ago, although sometimes stones have got something to say!

Yet despite the second-hand nature of the stories in the Gospels faith and belief in Jesus Christ has flourished down through the generations even until today. Many in this country ask themselves 'Why?' without researching the answer, perhaps having already decided they don't want to know.

The answer is simple to say but more difficult to explain!

Jesus is alive! He is God! He does answer those who call to Him.

When someone hears God whispering to them, and discovers His loving care, it turns the Gospel stories from being second-hand stories of ancient and irrelevant happenings, into first-hand intimate accounts of someone who loves them, and who they are learning to love.

Given the choice, we would rather be the first-time owner of something than own it second-hand. Don't depend on second-hand accounts of Jesus of Nazareth. Ask Him yourself!

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