There's a saying that two swallows don't make a summer, and perhaps the same thing applies about two sunny days in a row!
A few weeks back we had some nice warm sunny days and it seemed like Summer had arrived. Then the wind turned round to the East and the grey haar blew in off the North Sea and it was cold. It seemed like Summer was over and Autumn had arrived.
The last couple of days have been warm and sunny and the flowers in my garden have responded. We have had yellow daffodils, and then the yellow forsythia, but now the blue grape hyacinth are out in profusion, and the white 'waterfall' bushes too (no idea of their real name!).
It is remarkable how our mood can change when the sun is shining and the temperature is warm.
In cold gloomy weather we can feel miserable and under pressure. Life feels a struggle and we often focus on ourselves and exclude other people.
But when the sun comes out we feel cheerful and relaxed. Life is easy and we become conversational and generous with other people.
In this period after Easter, we have an opportunity to consider all that God has given us. The Son is shining and the warmth of His love pours down upon us.
Let us be open, conversational, kind, loving, generous, with the people around us - our neighbours, our colleagues, our friends, and passers-by.
Enjoy the Sun and the Son!
your garden looks lovely!!