Friday 18 July 2008

Winchburgh beckons too!

This week I've been planning some early involvement at Winchburgh church, where I will be starting my Final Placement officially on 1st September.

There are a number of events happening through August, like two Holiday Clubs, a Flower Festival, and a Blue Grass concert (whatever kind of music that is!). So I've made plans to attend these events and get to know some of the people in these linked congregations before I formally get started.

In some senses the path seems clear ahead now. However, it remains to be worked out just exactly what I'll be doing on Placement. So there's still a lot to discover and explore not only over the next few months but probably until the end of my 15-month placement.

As I approach this significant stage in my training I recollect other trainees whom I know from their times at the same stage. And I know others who are following on after me and hope to enter their Final Placements next year in 2009.

The Church of Scotland has vacancies for almost 200 ministers at this time. I and my other colleagues-in-training are working hard at doing our bit to fill the gap.

I'll be offline until next weekend, so you'll have to find something else to amuse you until then!


  1. Well I am sure you will have a wonderful time at PKW.


  2. Nelu, Thanks for your encouragement! I'm glad you had a good holiday.
