Today my wife and I cycled the thirteen miles around the Kyle of Tongue. The wind was rather cool but at least it was blowing us along as we headed Northward along the Western shore.
We began from our home in the picturesque village of Tongue. We cycled past the grand Tongue Hotel and then the cosy Ben Loyal Hotel before passing the Post Office and Police house. We continued South out of the village and down the hill to the scattered community of Rhian. After crossing the Rhian Burn we continued passed Ribigill Farm and up the steep hill to Lochan na Cuilce and Lochan Hakel or Hakon.
After a few more twists and turns the single-track road begins the descent down to Kinloch River. It gets pretty steep on this side too and both brakes were needed to avoid going round the gravelly corners too fast!
Once over the bridge we passed the entrance to Kinloch Lodge where the road turns sharply to the right. There is a road sign here warning users that beyond this point there is no gritting or snow clearance. Proceed at your own risk! We proceeded!
After passing through a stand of gnarled Silver Birch trees we came upon the boarded up Kinloch House. It seems a shame that such a fine house is no longer used. We continued along the road keeping our eyes open for the the ruins of Dun na Maigh, an old iron-age broch. But yet again we did not see it. Next time we will bring the guide book!
After crossing another bridge we took a wee detour left to see if this would lead to the Moine Path, which skirts to the North of Ben Hope before dropping down to the South end of Lochan Hope. The map says that it does but a shallow Ford dissuaded us from further exploration. We returned to the bridge and headed North beside the Kyle.
There is not much to see beside the road, but the steep rocky cliffs across the Kyle are worth the trip. Eventually we see Castle Varrich standing on the headland across the water and shortly after that the houses of Tongue can be seen too.

Looking Eastward across the Kyle towards the village of Tongue with Castle Varrich on the skyline at the right.

Looking Northward up the Kyle towards the bridge and causeway.
At the North end of the road we came to the main road between Thurso and Durness. Turning right we soon reached the bridge across the Kyle. The tide was an hour or two passed high water and I had never seen the water flowing out so fast. It was like a river rapid!

The ebbing tide running fast under the Kyle of Tongue bridge.
Once across the causeway, passed Tongue Lodge which is a Youth Hostel from Easter to Autumn, the road climbs back up to Tongue. We passed the historic kirk of St. Andrews, dating from 1680, round the hairpin bend, and up the last 100 yards to the house again. Ready for a cuppa!
The ford is readily crossed on the stepping stones. The ditch on the right before the river is full of tadpoles. Beyond the ford on the right at the edge of the pines there is a lovely wild Cherry Tree [Gean] which should now be in blossom. The Moine path is away straight up the {steep} hillside over the bridge and beyond the disused fish hatchery.