Thursday 21 October 2010

Is love more important than happiness?

God loves us so much that he spent his life on the Cross so that we might come into a loving relationship with Him. But does He want us to love Him more than He wants us to be happy?

Sometimes people try to make friends with someone by being nice to them. We are so desperate for them to be our friend that we give them gifts, take them places, and generally be as kind and helpful as we can.

Such generosity might convince the other person of our sincerity, but if the other person is not attracted to us as a person, then it is not likely that our generosity will change their mind. They may be happy to be with us, since the good gifts are enjoyable. But when there is a pause between the gifts, then they become uninterested again. They are not deep friends, only fair-weather friends. When life gets hard, they will move on, and leave you behind.

Sometimes people think that if there is a God who loves us, then He should make us happy. If we were happy, then we would be willing to love God. If God can't make us happy, then He is not worthy of our time.

I wonder if that kind of attitude underlies the fragility of so many human relationships. People are pleased to stick with their partner so long as he or she makes them happy. If life moves into a difficult phase, and we are not happy, then we split up and look for someone else who can do the trick.

How much should our love be based on our feelings, how much should be based on our thoughts, and is there anything else that would strengthen our love?

When we feel happy, when we enjoy someone's company, when we desire to be with someone, we sum up our feelings by declaring our love. But feelings can be very fickle, having bad days as well as good days.

If our love is based on a considered appreciation of someone, then that should be much more stable. We remember our partner telling us of their love for us. We recall their attractiveness and we remember the good times we have had together. We are thankful for those qualities and characteristics that we value and appreciate. We may not be feeling positive towards the person, but we remember how important they are to us.

My musings are no-doubt only capturing a glimpse of what love is all about. Many others have written deeply on the subject. But it seems to me that many folk today still struggle to feel loved, and to love others.

Love is more than feelings, and more than a product of our thinking.

God tells us that He is love. It is his nature. He has made us humans in his image, and so we have capability to love. God wants us to love, and to be loved. He longs to be the primary object of our love, and to enfold you in his love. When you know his love in and through you, then you have love in abundance for other folk too.

We cannot make other people love us. But we don't need to make God do that - He loves us already. He is just waiting for our response - for us to open the door of our hearts and lives, to let Him in, and fill us with his love.

God loves you unconditionally. You cannot make him love you more, and you cannot make him love you less. He gives us that kind of love for other folk too.

If you are feeling short of love, then open yourself to God, and let Him fill you to overflowing.

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