There is a sense of anti-climax this week. The cross is empty, the tomb is empty, and now the party is over.
The holiday weekend is behind us. Life gets back to normal. The exciting events of the past week return again to the history cupboard, until we take them out again next year.
But we can't shut God up in a cupboard. Jesus was not confined by the grave-clothes, or by the stone over the entrance. He met with the disciples in the Upper Room, even although the door was locked and barred.
God's offer of forgiveness for the past, and eternal life for the future, remains out in the open. It is a life-long offer without any time limits, with no closing date.
If your life is ordinary, normal, dull, drab, then take another look at the life of Jesus, and of his disciples. Those lives were anything but ordinary, normal, dull, or drab.
You too can share that abundant life that Jesus offers every one of his followers. It is a life of power, of purpose, and of peace. It is not an easy life, but it is a fulfilling and satisfying life. Jesus has a place prepared already, just for you. Come and get it.
The cross is empty, the tomb is empty, and life is full!
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